Sen. Lautenberg Celebrates LGBT Pride Month

Press Release

Today, U.S. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) released a statement marking Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month, which is celebrated in June.

"In New Jersey and across the nation, the diversity of our communities makes us strong, and Pride Month is a time to celebrate our individuality and embrace equality for every American," Lautenberg said. "During LGBT Pride Month, we must pledge to continue fighting for important civil rights issues like marriage equality. It is critical that we repeal DOMA and ensure that every American receives the equal protection under the law promised in the Constitution. I stand with President Obama and will continue fighting in the Senate and in New Jersey to guarantee that no American is treated as a second-class citizen."

Senator Lautenberg is an original co-sponsor of legislation to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and restore the rights of all lawfully married couples--including tens of thousands of same-sex couples--to receive the benefits of marriage under federal law.

Last year, Senator Lautenberg and a bipartisan group of New Jersey Congressional Delegation members released a video message for the "It Gets Better Project" to encourage young people who are bullied in New Jersey and around the country that "it gets better." The video was made as part of the It Gets Better Project, an online resource for LGBT young people and others to share their stories, support their family and friends, and seek help.
